Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Time!

I haven't given the ice cream maker much of a workout yet this summer. I made rhubarb ice cream a few weeks ago, and it tasted okay but the texture wasn't right. I think there wasn't enough of it to fill the ice cream maker and so it didn't churn very well. Anyway, here's the second batch of ice cream this summer - Philadelphia-style (no eggs) peanut-butter ice cream. I've mostly only made custard-based ice cream because, early on, I found that the eggless kind left a weird kind of film in my mouth. But I think that may have been my first-ever batch of ice cream so it hardly counts. So I'm giving it another shot, partly because it's easier and takes less time. It's setting in the freezer now, and I'm going to take it to a girls' night get-together later (leaving some at home for myself, of course!). I also made chocolate syrup to go with it. Chocolate and peanut butter might be the best thing ever. Ever.
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